In a hyper-connected world, we are lonelier than ever. Let’s change that.
Surveys show over 60% of people around the world are feeling lonely a good portion of the time. The culprits? Everything from the screen you’re reading this on right now, to the pandemic, to Netflix. But whatever it is, this is where we are.
Here’s how I think I can help:
1. I write about connection.
For the last few years I’ve been writing for national publications about going to the movies, dining out, letting go of my teenagers and making friends when I travel. But really, what I’ve been writing about all along - what I’m fascinated and driven by - is connection. And I want to share stories about all of that right here, with you.
2. It is in the moments that we can find one another.
By sharing the moments of connection here - and having you share back - we will build community. We will tether together, lift each other up and pull one another through.
3. This is for everyone.
I will post here every week or two and it will be free. I hope you will subscribe and comment nicely. I hope you will invite your friends to subscribe and comment nicely. More than anything thought, I hope this will be an inclusive, kind space - one that will reduce loneliness and increase joy and connection.
4. This is Archie. He always brings joy.
He seems like a perfect way to start our adventure.
This is a great idea. Thank you for inviting me to join!
You are a connector, supporter and cheerleader! I’m lucky to have connected with you 35 years ago!